Saturday, March 31, 2012

Can do kinders giveaway!

She is doing one amazing Giveaway!!! She has reached 1000 followers. Her blog gives so many wonderful ideas and tips for classroom and homeschool use. Go check out her blog!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Loving Homeschool Creations.

I have been searching the web for hours on end. I am in the process of getting things ready to homeschool my 5 year old daughter.  One blog that I keep going back to is Homeschool Creations. I got her workbox weekly layout to use as a visual schedule for Anika. I love this! We can change it around so easily to work with whatever we need to work more or less on.

I will be using her Days in school layout! I am using her photo since I don't have this set up yet.

I will also be using her weekly weather graph.   I am also using her photo on this one as well. I don't have this set up either.

I have a ton more to show you guys. I've been working hard to get things as ready as possible before homeschooling officially starts. For now I have to go get some other stuff done. Ta-Ta for now.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Long time no blogging

I am going to get back into blogging. I know it's been FOREVER since I blogged and for that I'm sorry. I had to put blogging on hold for awhile when dealing with some family stuff. Anika is now in Kindergarten and will soon be graduating from it and Caeley is in 1st grade also about to be done with it and Natily will soon be starting Pre-K. I will be starting down a new road very soon and I am very excited about it. I will be homeschooling my daughter, Anika. She is autistic and I feel like she needs more one on one attention then the public school can give to her. This is a decision that my husband and I prayed, researched and talked about a lot. We believe it is the right decision for our little girl.

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